Superpersons University - Press Kit


The game to end all games. Superpersons University is a deckbuilder comedy dating video game coming soon to Steam.

Superpersons University Screenshots

Superpersons University laxative card Superpersons University friend zone card

Download screenshots as zip file (5.2 MB)

Images of Buff Bodysuit

Download Buff Bodysuit images as zip file (25.3 MB)

Images of Hunky Jorts

Download Hunky Jorts images as zip file (32.9 MB)

Images of Kitty Costume

Download Kitty Costume images as zip file (29.1 MB)

Images of Red Undies

Download Red Undies images as zip file (31.9 MB)

Images of Snazzy Vest

Download Snazzy Vest images as zip file (28.2 MB)

Images of Swimsuit Ninja

Download Swimsuit Ninja images as zip file (30.7 MB)


Download all logos as zip file (55.2 MB)




Developer: Osgoode Media

Publisher: Osgoode Media

Steam Release Date: To be announced

Press Contact:

Superpersons University Website:

Price: To be determined

Ratings: TBD

Superpersons University is coming soon to

Superpersons University on Social Media

Superpersons University