Enadakina - Press Kit


Enadakina is a science fiction detective mystery adventure video game. Coming soon to Microsoft Windows and Xbox One.

Enadakina Screenshots

Enadakina screenshot Enadakina screenshot Enadakina screenshot Enadakina screenshot Enadakina screenshot

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Enadakina Character

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Enadakina Detective 09473

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Enadakina Detective 86844

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Enadakina Detectives

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Developer: Osgoode Media

Publisher: Osgoode Media

Steam Release Date: Coming Soon

Press Contact: press@osgoodemedia.com

Enadakina Website: https://www.osgoodemedia.com/enadakina

Price: Free

Ratings: TBD

Enadakina is coming soon to

Enadakina on Social Media
